Reunited with pals Cage The Elephant for their late 2011 tour, Sleeper Agent kicked off the night properly – and photogenically. Lots of lush atmosphere during their set made this a fun shoot despite a wall of monitors along the front of the stage. The fact that singer Alex Kandel often put a boot up on the wedges certainly didn't hurt, either.
Photographer's Notes:
Cameras Used:
- Nikon D3
- Nikon D700
Lenses Used:
I shot Sleeper Agent's set exclusively with Nikon's f/1.4 primes – the Nikon 50mm f/1.4 and Nikon 85mm f/1.4. Surprisingly, these two worked out pretty excellently for this show. Part of this was due to the stage height of the Pageant and a big stack of monitors lining the edge of the stage limited the need for wider fields of view – the mid and tight frames of the 50mm and 85mm, respectively, worked well.
As a result, the compositional limitations of the stage actually lessened the shortcomings of shooting with fixed focal length lenses.
If you want more Sleeper Agent, check out my photo set from their March 2011 set at the Pageant, also supporting Cage the Elephant.
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