This show was a bag of hurt. Cage the Elephant's Matthew Shultz moves around the stage like a man possessed, thrashing around with hair flying and arms flailing. Mix into this non-stop motion a little relative darkness, and this shoot was three songs of pure punishment.
Photographer's Notes:
Cameras Used:
- Nikon D3
- Nikon D700
Lenses Used:
I saw a lot of new faces in the photo pit, and after shooting Cage the Elephant's set, I had to wonder why people would ever want to be a music photographer after a gig like this. Three songs shooting Cage the Elephant kind of feels like the photographic equivalent of blindfolded target practice.
Still, it's hard to say that shooting a band as difficult as Cage The Elephant isn't a thrill, because in adversity there's always the excitement of a challenge.
For this set, I shot exclusively at ISO 6400 with my f/2.8 zooms. While I was also packing my Nikon 50mm f/1.4 Nikon 85mm f/1.4 primes, I wanted the fast focusing of the f/2.8 lenses, even at the expense of the light.
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