Calla @ the Pageant — 2007.08.01

Calla @ the Pageant -- 2007.08.01Just a few shots from Calla, who opened up for Interpol this past Wednesday at the Pageant. Overall, lighting was scarce throughout the opening songs. Dim, colored spots roving the stage constituted the main sources of light for the first two songs – that is, when the stage wasn't dusted with a dull red wash.

Luckily, the third song provided a little more interest with that much coveted rarity: white light.
Calla @ the Pageant -- 2007.08.01

Calla @ the Pageant -- 2007.08.01

Calla @ the Pageant -- 2007.08.01

These are all with the Nikon 50mm f/1.4 at maximum aperture, at ISO 1600 with the D2X. Luckily, Interpol's set was lit with a little more liveliness, if only by degrees. Those images are coming up in just a bit.

In the meantime, you can see a couple of the other shots from Calla here: